Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality recognizes Lokring

Lokring Technology LLC is pleased to announce that the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) has recognized our patented Elastic Strain Preload (ESP®) technology and pipe and tube fittings as “weld equivalent connectors.” This is a significant achievement and recognition of Lokring Technology as these joints (connectors) are at minimum equivalent to a welded joint, and therefore “exempt from any and all monitoring requirements for purposes of fugitive emissions as specified in LAC 33: Part III. sections 21/21 and 21/22” (attached). Please reference pg.160-169 of The Environmental Regulatory Code (May 2012 revision), LAC33: Part III. Sections 21/21 and 21/22.

We would like to thank Andy Voda, Doc Morris, and Dave Schatz for their involvement in this project. Please refer to attached letter for more information.

Thank you,
William Lennon
Lokring Technology, LLC